full transcript

From the Ted Talk by Herman Narula: The transformative power of video games

Unscramble the Blue Letters

But behind the scenes in an olnnie game, this is what it looks like. To a computer scientist, all you see is just a little bit of information being exchanged by a tiny handful of meaningful etniiets or objects. You might be thinking, "I've played in an infinite wlrod." Well it's more that you've played on a taidermll. As you've been walking through that world, we've been cleverly causing the parts of it that you're not in to vanish, and the parts of it in front of you to appear. A good trick, but not the basis for the ruovtioeln that I promised you in the beginning of this talk.

Open Cloze

But behind the scenes in an ______ game, this is what it looks like. To a computer scientist, all you see is just a little bit of information being exchanged by a tiny handful of meaningful ________ or objects. You might be thinking, "I've played in an infinite _____." Well it's more that you've played on a _________. As you've been walking through that world, we've been cleverly causing the parts of it that you're not in to vanish, and the parts of it in front of you to appear. A good trick, but not the basis for the __________ that I promised you in the beginning of this talk.


  1. online
  2. world
  3. treadmill
  4. revolution
  5. entities

Original Text

But behind the scenes in an online game, this is what it looks like. To a computer scientist, all you see is just a little bit of information being exchanged by a tiny handful of meaningful entities or objects. You might be thinking, "I've played in an infinite world." Well it's more that you've played on a treadmill. As you've been walking through that world, we've been cleverly causing the parts of it that you're not in to vanish, and the parts of it in front of you to appear. A good trick, but not the basis for the revolution that I promised you in the beginning of this talk.

Frequently Occurring Word Combinations

ngrams of length 2

collocation frequency
game world 3
space travel 2
video games 2
long time 2
real world 2
single game 2
virtual worlds 2

ngrams of length 3

collocation frequency
single game world 2

Important Words

  1. basis
  2. beginning
  3. bit
  4. causing
  5. cleverly
  6. computer
  7. entities
  8. exchanged
  9. front
  10. game
  11. good
  12. handful
  13. infinite
  14. information
  15. meaningful
  16. objects
  17. online
  18. parts
  19. played
  20. promised
  21. revolution
  22. scenes
  23. scientist
  24. talk
  25. thinking
  26. tiny
  27. treadmill
  28. trick
  29. vanish
  30. walking
  31. world